Sunday, July 28, 2013

Melting Moments

Hi! Today I made these AWESOME cookies called Melting Moments that I found in my grandma's and grandpa's old cookbook. They are most definitely the BEST COOKIES I'VE EVER HAD. You are missing out if you don't try this recipe :

Melting Moments 

What You Need

1/2 cup butter
5 TBS confectioner's sugar
1 TSP almond flavoring
1/4 TSP salt
1 TSP baking powder
1 1/8 cup Gluten Free all-purpose flour (I use my mom's mix of flours which I can post later)

What to do

1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2) Mix and roll into balls and mash with fork
3) On ungreased sheet, decorate (I used sprinkles and put them on top)
4) Bake in oven on ungreased sheet for 10 minutes

Enjoy! Please leave a comment and tell me how it was!

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