Thursday, July 25, 2013


Hey everyone! I hope this blog will be helpful to those of you on a gluten free diet! I will be posting recipes, ratings, tips, and other helpful ideas for you gluten-free dieters! It was pretty tough for me when I started going gluten free. I thought I would never eat a sweet treat or bread again! But i  learned how to make bread, pizza crusts, oatmeal cookies, and even molten Nutella cookies! It's so much fun to bake and prepare these delicious foods. They are even selling more and more gluten free foods in grocery stores and shops. Snyder's of Hanover sells amazing pretzels that are certified gluten free! And Andean Dream Quinoa Cookies. (which are delectable and adventurous) Hopefully you guys give this blog a try and try some of these recipes! 

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